Surviving the New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Tis the season for vision boards, resolutions and self-reflection and if you’re anything like me, it’s also the time to proclaim “New Year New Me” at least 4-5 times a week. But what does that really mean? I mean I get it; for many the new year is a reset button. We’re leaving the past in the past and focusing on a bigger and brighter future and we convince ourselves that the
most appropriate time to do so is when the clock strikes 12 on 1/1 of every year. This is all fine and well in theory, but let’s be honest, sometimes when you apply theory to real life situations you don’t always get the result you were hoping for.

Often when we are preparing to go into the new year, we come up with these generic resolutions based on what our ultimate goals are. If your goal is to lose 30lbs by the end of the year, your new year’s resolution may be something like “work out more.” If you’re someone who’s looking to buy a house your resolution may be “eat out less.” Again, these things are great…in theory, but if you’re waiting on January 1st to implement necessary changes and you do not put a real plan into motion, you might fall into that category of folk who say “ahhh I’ll try again next year” and it’s only the middle of March!

To avoid falling into that category, I encourage you to look at each day as a new chance to be a better you. Be honest with yourself about where you are in your life and where you want to be. Recognize that in order to get to long term goals you must set mini goals. The resolutions you set are meant to be the core to the direction you want your life to go, but you still need to put legs and arms on that core in order to really begin moving forward.

So this new year, rather than sticking with the mantra “New Year New Me,” I choose to start each day saying “New Day, New May!” Don’t judge me, pronouncing “me” that way has worked for Justin Timberlake all these years!

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