Surviving Me

When I think about where I’ve been
for the last few years I can’t help but think of the word “STUCK.” I’ve been
very stagnant in all aspects of my life; financially, mentally, emotionally,
and physically. So when I think of the biggest stressor in my life right now I’d
have to say it’s me. I’ve been getting in my own way and writing it off because
I didn’t care enough about myself to get better. I constantly poor into others
but have neglected to refill my own glass for years. And when I did, I would
feel it with things like alcohol, or sex, or junk food, or toxic relationships.
But I don’t want to do that anymore. I want to begin to refill my glass with
positivity, self-love and encouragement, or any other noun out there that wills
positive energy into my life. I know that my destiny has already been decided
but I also know that I’ve been running from it for as long as I can remember. I’m
choosing now to run toward it and I know that it won’t be easy. I know that my
metamorphosis will not happen overnight but more importantly I know that it
will never happen if I don’t start. So today marks the beginning of a beautiful
journey. And I’m being very picky about who I’m bringing along with me.

Briana Williams